Helpdesk / Remote Support

Get in touch with our team today on

03332 40 20 10 |

The Trust IT Service desk are an accredited specialist team

Our Support Service Desk is available from 8.00 - 17.00, Monday to Friday and provides unlimited telephone and remote support.

Our goal on the helpdesk is to keep you working.

Helpdesk Remote Support

If your problem can’t be solved in a few clicks on the phone, we’ll request permission to view and control your screen with a remote connection. Whether you need to locate a file or print one, need access restored to your email or database application, or need any other issue resolved, you’ll be able to see us in action every step of the way.

Helpdesk Escalation

While we’re busy, a support ticket will be delivered to your inbox by our helpdesk database, indicating that your request has been prioritised on our system.

On-site Support

Very occasionally some issues can only be resolved in person. One of our engineers will schedule a date and time convenient to you and your staff. If the appointment is not immediate and scheduled one or more days ahead, we’ll contact you to confirm on the day in question.

For all enquiries please give us a call on 03332 40 20 10 or contact us .

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